5 Amazing Things You Need to Know About Creatine

What is creatine? How does it work? Do athletes really need creatine supplements ? Are they safe? These are just probably some of the most asked questions regarding the substance. To answer these, let’s discuss some facts: 1. Creatine is a naturally occurring molecule in your body. Creatine, as detailed by University of Maryland Medical Center , is a naturally-occurring amino acid (protein building block) that's found in meat and fish, and also made by the human body in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. It’s then turned into a chemical called creatine phosphate or phosphocreatine. It becomes stored in the muscle to provide your body with energy. No, creatine is not only confined as a supplement, and yes, it is a natural occurring substance inside the body but it can also be made inside a laboratory. 2. Creatine helps volumize muscles. When it comes to athletes and gym enthusiasts, creatine supplements are a staple. There may be myths and debates surroun...